私立華盛頓語文文理短期補習班(私立華盛頓幼兒園) | 桃園市補習班資訊網
美語已成為世界共通的語言之一,我們深信學美語絕不僅限於單純的語言學科學習,尚包含文化與日常生活的應用,期盼提供所有對美語有興趣的家長,孩子與老師一個自然且有成效的學習與教學環境,培養幼兒終生學習的興趣。In order to help our students rapaidly advance their English abilities we need to assist them in developing a good work ethic. This is very important because when a student learns how to be good at one subject or one activity the student can transfer the skills and knnowledge across subjects, activities and schools and even over time.
This means that a student who is successful at English is usually successful at the subjects in his or her primary school and possesses the learning strategies that will enable that student to continue being successful throughout his or her educational career.
※文教事業部門: 文教事業部門:幼稚園到國中學生美語教學自行研發全套的幼兒及兒童美語教材,循序漸進,由教學經驗豐富的中外教師聯合任教。生動活潑,強調「直覺發音法」。
招生對象: 幼稚園美語班、國小美語班、國中美語資優班、安親班、成人美語、高階英語寫作班、還有英語師資訓練班及留、遊學代辦。
目前 私立華盛頓幼兒園 也急徵老師
桃園市私立華盛頓幼兒園 | 桃園市補習班資訊網
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私立華盛頓語文文理短期補習班(私立華盛頓幼兒園) | 桃園市補習班資訊網
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桃園市私立華盛頓幼兒園 | 桃園市補習班資訊網
華盛頓幼稚園中壢環中東路@ sco3717871ub | 桃園市補習班資訊網
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